The signature double G buckle has more of a yellow color on the Gucci wallet replica than golden, just like shown on the left. The leather of the faux model looks more like a caviar rather than calfskin which is a big difference. This model is made out of calfskin leather which is very durable, soft and has fine grain. The General Look Method (GG Marmont Bi-Fold) If you still have doubts do not hesitate to reach us out or click here to get a legit check service. Hopefully, you are following our methods of Gucci wallet authentication step-by-step. The letters on the faux leather are tiny, with almost no spacing between one another. The signature on the authentic wallet has larger letters with greater spacing between one another. The authentic logo is also rounder but the faux is larger in size. The original buckle has much darker, grainer color, while the faux metal seems to be lighter and shinier. The same thing happened in this case Firstly, the color. Hardware is always something that replica factories fail to copy well. Similar to the previous method, the leather on the right side is more dimensional than the authentic one that is less bulky. The only thing that differentiates these models is the size of the GG logo, which is thicker and larger on the faux model. The backside is as detailed as the front. There is a slightest difference in the size too and because of that the GG logo is put on the wrong spot. Let's start with a general look of the Marmont leather walletįirst of all, it has to be said that the quilting was done pretty well by the replica factories as the measurement of each section was replicated successfully, but the difference appears in the bulkiness of material the replica Gucci wallet clearly is more dimensional than it is supposed to be. The General Look Method (Gucci Quilted Marmont Wallet) The General Look Method (GG Marmont Bi-Fold).The General Look Method (Gucci Quilted Marmont Wallet).
If you still have further questions to ask, we would encourage you to use our live chat and our experts will get to you right away! How To Legit Check Gucci Wallet? We are about to show you some methods of how to spot a fake Gucci wallet quickly and easy at home.
You might have encountered a fake Gucci wallet as well as other items hundreds of times before, as the brand is one of the most popular ones among young people, so it is no surprise that replica factories took it as an opportunity to make more money.